, is a crowdsourced initiative for visualizing election results!
We're sourcing data on the 2024 Indian election and creating detailed visualizations. You can explore information at the country, state, and constituency levels, along with graphics on popular candidates and top poll battles. This educational initiative is by Gradious Technologies, with development done by Gradious CoE students. All data is sourced from the Election Commission site.
Who are you?
We are a group of dedicated volunteers who curate and verify the data from Election commission site. We extract data like candidate, constituency, votes from the source and are presenting it to visualise. This is part of an hackathon for education purpose. This should not be taken as a source of information.
Are you official?
What are your sources? How is the data gathered for this project?
We are collecting information from the official websites of the election commission(https://results.eci.gov.in/). The data is manually sourced and updated for users of this web page to visualize. The data is validated by a group of volunteers and published, but as there is manual work, there is a scope of mismatch. We are trying our best to ensure that there is no discrepancy, but we request you not use this as any official source.
Why does results2024.in have a difference in numbers compared to the ECI website?
ECI updates the data at a scheduled time. However, we get the data and try verifying it and uploading. This may result in mismatch of data.
Why are you guys putting in time and resources to do this while not gaining a single penny from it?
We started this as a passion project and wanted to showcase how with limited resources and time, bunch of engineering students can create something exciting.